Thursday, 20 August 2009

Greetings From Beyond the Embrace of Catatonic Nightmares

The gates to the palace of Versailles
Dear Internets,
So, as you can probably guess from the mere existence of this blog post, I have returned from France! It was really hot and sunny - not that I have anything to show for it, of course my tan has disappeared in the two days I've been home (typical!), although my feet are still a curious shade of purple after being slightly roasted. I visited several interesting places including the Zoo de la Palmyre where I got to feed giraffes, the town of La Rochelle, Disneyland, where I was accosted by thousands of wasps and walked too many miles and, of course, the amazing palace of Versailles. Well, the gardens at least. Typically we chose to go on the one day of the week that the actual palace is closed. Just my luck.
I've now been back long enough to get my head back together again (a messy process) after a couple of weeks when I was actually able to relax for a while (haven't done that in ages, it's not a word that normally features in my vocabulary at all!) and get over the drama of results - which, fortunately, were fine. But what with all the excitement and dangerously-rare relaxing I haven't really had time to write any more articles for a while. What I have been reading is mostly British women's history and feminist theory for my history coursework - and hopefully something will come out of that for here at a later date (I'm currently reading Germaine Greer's 'The Female Eunuch' which is very interesting, so expect something on that at some point), but nothing really suitable to write a short article on.
Hopefully I'll soon get back in the swing of writing, though, and I'll be able to update properly again. I've got several ideas for articles to write, including posts on Emilie Autumn lyrics and J.D. Salinger shorts stories (yay!), but until then, you may have to be patient between posts, I'm afraid!
Yours truly, Terra x


  1. Yay, it's good to have you back, Jen, I've missed you.

    And hurry up with the post on Emilie Autumn lyrics, I'm dying to read it! xxx

  2. Of course you have - I mean, thank you! :D

    I haven't written it yet though! At the moment it's little more than an abstract concept. I've got a couple of pre-written posts from before my holiday that I'll post up first, but I'll get on with that one asap!
