Monday 20 September 2010

.Liquid Mercury

Writers-Workshop is holding a workshop on concrete poetry at the moment, and since it's been quite a while now since I last entered one, I was determined to rustle up something for it.

So here we are, a visual/concrete version of .mercury.

Please go and see the full-sized deviation here. For some reason this has gone all blurry in the resizing... :|

+ Texture from Insan-Stock
+ Photo by moi

You can read the rest of the mythology series here and here.


  1. Wow, poetry-art! :) I love the way you've set it out all interestingly, the word 'magnetism' in a magnet shape in particular. Do you know, it took me about five minutes to realise there was a person in the background :P I'm guessing it's you?

  2. Thank you! I tried to make the formatting fit with the word-meanings, so hopefully that's worked. :)
    Haha, really? Yep, it's me. Stunning photography, I think you'll agree... xD xxx
